Roberto has helped me on such a deep level to understand how to remain happy and also how to actually live my life from now on.
I do not believe that there are many people around who do this sort of work as effectively as Roberto and as efficiently.
I have seen people be in “therapy” for years and I was seeing Roberto for few months. I know that I am still not 100% however I realise also that work like this takes time to fully integrate and I know that I am finally on the right track!
I like to think that spiritually I am no novice, being reasonably well read and in material terms I had achieved most of what I wanted having sold my business some 4 years previous. None the less I had a feeling of low-level anxiety and I was seeking comfort in ways that that only numbed the issues but didn’t really deal with them. Roberto suggested I embark on his 5-session programme and I agreed.
So how do I now feel? I have at times in my life experienced what I call a “flow state” and I wanted to get back to that. To experience again a “living in the moment” way of being. This has been achieved and the sense of anxiety I was feeling has dissipated. I am clearer, have more energy and I no longer feel the need for the numbing comforts I used to seek. As a result my relationships are improving and my zest for life has returned.
I have recently completed a course with Roberto and I have to say that it’s been amazingly positive for my life. When I went to see him I had got myself into a bit of a mess. I had been self-sabotaging myself both consciously and subconsciously to a degree that I had lost my way on many levels.
My marriage was on the edge of full failure and other elements in my life I was losing grip on. When I first saw Roberto I felt anxious, stuck and all a little ‘rabbit in the headlights’.
Over the course I faced up to a lot of my bullshit and baggage and with an amazing speed cracked through the layers of behaviour that were holding me back and sending me down slippery slopes of self-destruction. It’s been 2 weeks since I completed my course and things at home are great, I’m feeling steady and level. I’m now looking forward to taking things on with a second semester.
I’ve known Roberto for 7 years and he has always lived up to my expectations. Over that time he has intermittently been my coach, colleague, and critical friend. I trust him absolutely.
His enthusiasm, belief in me and in what he does has energised me and lifted me. His challenge and disbelief has made me look again at myself and reappraise the self-pity and self- deprecation.
I chuckle at his challenge and reappraise myself, feel stronger and definitely supported by his belief in me that helps me grow my own self-belief and confidence.
I would recommend Roberto unreservedly.